Monday, October 5, 2009

What can I do with my obsession.

Today we talked about the intention of our hearts.
Pretty much the whole thing is summed up in this:

"To the degree that you respond to the conviction
of the Holy Spirit, is to the degree you will conform
to the image of God."

Tonight we had a bonfire where we wrote down on pieces of paper
or brought actual things and threw them in the fire. I knew exactly
what I was going to write down on the paper, and I confessed in front
of my whole group sins and idols that I have put before God.
I was completely filled with peace and completely broken and vulnerable to the Lord.
I never had felt such two extremes.
The staff and my surrounding classmates were so supportive.. So loving and tender..
Jesus was shown to me through them.

This is only the beginning,
but with full confidence I will never be the same after tonight.


Always New Adventures photography said...

I love this

kimberly said...

i'm so proud of you, julie. and i can't imagine how proud of you Jesus is, too.