Saturday, July 31, 2010


Hey everyonee!
Well, I'm here is targoviste. We had a day of rest on thursday, our second the entire trip. Then we had a prayer walk yesterday and just scouted out the land. Its a very different type of city here but i cant really explain. i like it though.
Tonight we did a youth service and talked about human trafficking. I love talking about a passion in my heart. Its good to inform Romanians because alot of them dont know much about it and the risk they have. Then we did the freedom drama and I gave my testamony. I love being able to share what God has done in my life and the redemption He gave me. We had a great prayer time after and got to encourage the people at the service. Yay Jesus!
This is the last week of outreach and were definitely in it for the long run. If I have more time I'll update again =].