Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Last part of Houston.

So I haven't really had a chance to update..
Houston was a phenomenal outreach. God really worked through us in alot of youth groups and churches the last week we were there.
One church there was a girl who had a very similar past as mine and I got to see her delivered from alot of her shame and past. It was such a beautiful thing.
We also got to pray at brothels one day. It was such a hard experience. I saw girls walking in and out of the places and just to see them was heart wrenching. There are mass amounts of these places all around Houston and they just blend in with everything else.

I'm leaving for thailand tomorrow. We are going to a village right away, bamboo huts and eating bugs. We might be up there for two weeks which means no internet. But I will try to update this as much as possible.

God is still doing some crazy things in me, but I don't know how well to explain them yet. Hopefully answers will be gained over thailand.

much <3