Sunday, January 17, 2010

The land of the Thai.

Well I'm in Thailand everyone =]
I absolutely adore it here. We are staying at a place called Lighthouse which is an amazing facility. It's quite nice for outreach style.
So far we haven't really done ministry but have just been resting. Today however we went to the budhist temples in Chiang Mai. Ofcourse, this is going against all I've been taught of not going into temples, but it was a team thing and I had to. I went really prayed up but was still very shaken by it. It was such an intense spiritual place, especially when you would see those weird dragon things and the children dancing to the drum beat. It was a very intense wake up call for me but I guess it made my heart really want to be praying for these people. I really feel like the Lord wants to take the hearts of the children who are so desperately alone and empty. You can see it in their eyes.

On a whole other subject, we have to eat street food. Again, going against all I've ever done, but whatever. So far I've probably eaten the equivalent of one and a half meals. Everything looks terrifying and like I'm going to die eating it.

Tonight we go to a huge night market. We went to a smaller one last night and I realized I'm not good at buying souveiners for mass groups of people and I don't know how my dad does it. It's such a stressful thing in my opinion.
It's also a good thing I don't fit into these clothes because all of my money would be gone. Maybe God is trying to use this new known fat on my body to help me out.

So far everything has been good. We go to the village on the 21st for a week. I'm not exactly sure what we'll be doing but mostly VBS and teaching english I believe.

Keep me in your prayers! =]


kimberly said...

i'm so glad you made it safe! don't eat anything you can't pronounce. i love you!