Saturday, June 26, 2010


Hey everyone! I'm back from Dallas, exhausted, but doing okay.
We worked with YWAM dallas and did a day camp with ages 2-19. I worked with ages 2-5 year olds. They were very precious children for the most part. I made a lot of little black buddies that said some of the funniest things I've ever heard. The camp was consistently very chaotic, with 100 kids on our busiest day. We taught Bible stories, did crafts, memory verses, pretty typical stuff. We took the kids swimming at a public pool, and yes, its as crazy as it sounds.

At night we did other sorts of night ministry. One night we worked with a program called ACTS. We pretty much knocked on apartment doors in an incredibly sketchy neighborhood. We gave them water and told them about the church and prayed with them. I ended up talking to a black family that was outside for a good half an hour. They were so open to the gospel and quite honest with me about how they were living their lives. (I like that about “street” people.) I prayed with them. They didn't accept Christ but I walked away knowing someday they would. It was super encouraging.

We also went and passed out water bottles at a bus station. Ive always hated this type of ministry until SOE. Now I really love it. I'm not embarrassed to walk up to a random person and ask them if they have prayer needs Hardly anyone even says no. People are so appreciative of a simple prayer and you can speak so much into people's lives.

God's been doing a lot of awesome things in me as well. And by awesome, they aren't really awesome, but actually super hard haha. But I know it will be good afterwards. Pray that I continue to go hard after what God is telling me to do.

Overall, amazing week. Exhausted. Not ready to leave, but must. I leave for Czech on Monday, and I'll update as soon as I can!