Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Momentum caused my movement.

This week is ministry prep, which are always one of my favorite and least favorite weeks. It's alot more relaxed then DTS schedule wise, but I'm absolutely 100 percent more exhausted then I was.
I'm the main character in a drama called freedom. In the drama, the girl discovers herself, then discovers sin. She is then entrapped by sin, until Jesus comes and saves her. After she is saved, she starts dancing because the freedom she gained.
It's a beautiful drama, I love it. Except for the fact that I can't move without my whole body aching. Literally every part of me hurts. In the drama, I'm thrown around all over the place and have a pretty consistent whip lash of some sort. I'm all bruised up on my knees-it's disgusting. Pretty much I'm pushed around by the demons so hard I don't even have to try to fall or run in an opposite direction. Oh well though, things happen. I was nervous about the dancing part because it's very ballet-esque, but apparently I do it gracefully. I'm very excited to perform it on Friday for our commissioning service. I'll record it and post it here.

I'm also one of the four leaders in charge of VBS. I've had to re-write 5 bible stories and teach the clowns to act them out. It's pretty simple and not that hard. I'm glad VBS is going smoothly this time around because VBS for Thailand was quite horrendous. I wasn't even in charge of VBS and I still ended up doing it. How confusing is that?

So a quite exciting story, for the past few months my parents and I have been praying for a car for me. My old retired saturn(Which was quite retired before it even became mine) was not going to live much longer. With help from money that I didnt even know existed until a couple months ago and some help from my parents, I have a new car! It's almost brand new, only has 3600 miles, and we got an amazing deal for it. I'm so excited! God is just showing me how faithful He is in doing this for me =]

On Sunday morning we leave for Urban missions week in Chicago. I'm quite excited minus the 16, yes I said 16, hour van ride. Oh ALSO its 16 without stops. What the heck man.
Anyways, we will be working with the gay district, learning all about hinduism and islam and going and sitting through some of their teachings so we can understand and actually get a heart for them. I'm pretty excited about that. We'll also do some open air worship and evangelism. It's going to be great but please be praying for open doors and divine opportunities from the Lord!

Much Love.