Sunday, May 2, 2010

Melancholy Sunday Afternoons.

My Saturday and Sunday afternoons are always a little bit hard, because it's the only time i really rest during the week and I begin to think. Therefore, I am writing in this and trying to keep myself occupied.

The end of last week was fantastic. Larry went through 15 ways we can know the Bible is true and the word of God. I had always had a small doubt about that in the back of my head but I don't anymore. It's good to know you can trust it.

I got a revelation from the Lord when Larry was talking about how God has the right to be a jealous God. Larry said, "When God says He is jealous, he isn't trying to dictate everything about you. He means 'I love yo u, and if someone hurts you, I will deal with them.'" I have NO idea why suddenly it made sense but I realized that no matter what my past has done against me God will deal with it because I simply can't(and quite honestly shouldn't have to deal with anymore). It was such a good feeling to know that it doesn't matter. God loves me and He will protect me and He hurts because I was hurt. It's up to Him now, and He will deal with it. Then again I remembered that the Lord fights my battles for me, even when the root of the battle is against Him. He stays by my side, fighting when I can't.

Quite honestly it's been a very rough week for me personally with my relationships on base. I'm seeing things I didn't quite see before. But God is remaining faithful to be there consistently. It blows my mind that God is always speaking to us but we just aren't always listening. Kim Walker said something that really clicked within me: Dry seasons are an invitation from the Lord to just go deeper.
Isn't that crazy to think about? It's dry because its getting comfortable so God is trying to invite you to go deeper and deeper with Him, not give up because it's not easy anymore. Agghh perseverance.

Fun things: Last night I went to the Lion King production that Emily Allegretto was in. I saw Maty Gilmore for the first time in 3 years. It was pretty crazy. But also Olivia Meades is in town so I got to see her and I just absolutely love her. Anyways, the Lion King is probably one of my favorite movies and the soundtrack blows my mind. Last night made me wish I was a dancer, which happens almost any time I go to a dance recital. So either I need to stop going to recitals or become a dancer. I think I will choose the latter.