Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Heart to head.

I've come to realize it's harder to write my blog during SOE because DTS is completely straight to the heart, where SOE is straight to the head.
Quite frankly, this has been difficult for me to process sometimes. I love the heart stuff, the fresh revelation of huge things you never felt before. But I know head knowledge is important and it's time to grow up. I guess it's been good though because I've had alot more revelation of scripture lately. I love the book of Deuteronomy.

Yesterday we had a team meeting about Romania and Czech. God gave me a cool vision:

It started out with the cross and there was a steam running from it. The blood from the cross started to go into the stream. On both sides of it there were people who were laying on the ground dead(Not grotesquely or anything but just dead). When the blood would pass them they would get up because it gave them life. I realized that His blood is the blood that's flowing through the veins. He gives us hope and thats what drives our core. I was very encouraged that it is the hope that people will see in us as Christians if we're walking in confidence that we have been redeemed by the lamb.

This week is Larry Allen. I absolutely LOVE Larry Allen. He is very wise and smart but incredibly gentle and the way he expresses God. You can tell how much he is in love with Jesus. He is talking alot about defending our faith and ways to understand why we believe what we do. It's been alot of information to take in, but good. One point that I loved was:
Every design has designer parts. If you don't live to the requirements of the parts, the design will be destroyed.

It's so true. If you don't give the designer parts what it needs, it wont work properly. So with our relationship with the Lord, if parts aren't properly cared for it wont have its full capacity to be what it was designed for.

In other news, I pierced my lip. I love it, minus my lips being MASSIVE being of swelling. Ouch.

The Lord is good and that's all that matters.