Saturday, December 5, 2009


This week has been one of the hardest weeks of my life.
The speaker ended up getting a tad better. He called me "Search the scriptures" for the entire week because I was the only one who did my homework of finding scripture verses.
I definitely admired his heart of compassion. We took a day and a half to talk about our relationships with our fathers. With every person, he would weep with them no matter how severe the situation. He really wanted to love on each person.

My heart has been very worn out this week. I had an insane amount of roller coaster emotions at all times. I've heard some pretty harsh honesty but the people who love me. I guess that's good but it doesn't take away the sting from it. In a way, I wish I could just go home and get away from this. In a way, I wish he just wasn't here. But most of all I wish I was just over this.

I get frustrated with myself because everything is always a huge deal to me. Nothing is ever a small issue or problem. I'm trying to take things to God and I know He is dealing with me. I just dont see the good in this yet.