Hey everyonee!
Well, I'm here is targoviste. We had a day of rest on thursday, our second the entire trip. Then we had a prayer walk yesterday and just scouted out the land. Its a very different type of city here but i cant really explain. i like it though.
Tonight we did a youth service and talked about human trafficking. I love talking about a passion in my heart. Its good to inform Romanians because alot of them dont know much about it and the risk they have. Then we did the freedom drama and I gave my testamony. I love being able to share what God has done in my life and the redemption He gave me. We had a great prayer time after and got to encourage the people at the service. Yay Jesus!
This is the last week of outreach and were definitely in it for the long run. If I have more time I'll update again =].
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Posted by Oh Julie. at 11:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dragonesht olt.
I'm so very sorry for the delay in updating my blog. We haven't had consistent internet for quite a while now and this is the first opportunity to do so.
I'm now in a city, dragonesht olt, in romania. Its a village type place that is run by the gypsy mafia and is the darkest place in all of romania. Its drenched with witchcraft and sorcery and about .2 percent Christian. However, the church here is amazing. They are so anointed and unified and really do alot of work for the kingdom here. We have been doing a vbs with the neighborhood children and soccer ministry with some of the teenage guys. We are only here for a short time so we are trying to pour all we have into these next couple of days.
God is doing such amazing things in my life! i'm learning more and more everyday how to be a leader. i've become practically staff because our team has shortage of them. I really am loving it though and am learning what to do, what not to do, and that leading is really actually just serving. i'm having to cook meals(for those who dont know, ive never cooked very much. my mom is too good at it and ive never had to.) Daily I make cooking mistakes and my leader Catherine just laughs and me and fixes it. It has been quite the experience.
along with learning about leadership, God has been doing amazing growth in my life. After dealing more with my over abundant insecurity issues, I've become a stronger woman of God. I'm learning what it means to walk confidently in my identity through Christ and how important it is for life. i've also gained such a hunger for the word. I'm reading in 2 chronicles right now and the stories are just coming alive. Things i never would have thought about are coming into my head and the Holy Spirit is just speaking into my life. When I have more time, I'll write something specific that God really has shown me through King Hezekiah.
Another great thing is a black preacher from Ghana gave a message out of Exodus 4. He was talking about the things that we have in our hands, like the staff that moses had. God asked him what was in his hand, and then to put it down. The preacher continued to talk about how we must offer God all that is in our hands: Our plans, our ideas, our thoughts. God says and does the things humans cannot or think they cannot do(Grabbing the snake by the tail, which usually causes them to bite you.) He then talked about how we cant fully live the way were supposed to until we say "Yes lord" and respond to Him. My favorite part of the entire sermon though was "God may not do the miracles your asking for until you move. Move to a different place. Move to the place of your inheritance." Man, I just loved that!
anyways, i'm doing great, incase you can't tell. God has sustained me so much this past week. I've realized i have nothing to offer this team because im just too exhausted. but this week especially, God has given even more of an abundance of life. instead of sleeping all the time, im having the most amazing quiet times. i'm falling even more in love with Jesus!
Continue to pray for our team. Two girls have gotten sick, but its definitely spiritual warfare related. We have a little less then two weeks until we come home and we want to finish strong and run the race God has marked for us!
Posted by Oh Julie. at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Constanta, Romania.
I'm now in Romania, which is VERY different from Czech. it feels different, is more expensive, and just reminds me of thailand for some strange reason. Maybe its the air, the big plants everywhere, and the crowded streets with cars and taxis, but its just.. different.
We are at a base here and working with many types of ministry this week. i'll be cutting lots more hair, which is always fun for me. We will be doing street ministry for the gypsies here, and a texan themed coffee house night on friday. =]
because not much ministry has happened, Ill take this time to update on my personal relationship with the Lord.
I am growing SO MUCH on this outreach! The Lord is really taking parts of me that i had no idea where still there and continuing to fine tune them. I read this book about insecurity by Beth Moore. I strongly suggest any woman to read it. it opened my eyes to even more insecurity i had in my life that i didnt even know existed. But it made me grow, so much. I've never felt like I was as indentified as I am now. I'm learning more and more of who I am in the Lord every single day. I've never been more confident and have had so much of my security place in God. Learning to trust the Him with everything has been a process but nonetheless I'm learning and growing.
Another way I've been growing is realizing that I'm not that big of a deal. No, I'm not saying im not important, or that i'm some invisible person, but my needs and wants and desires dont have to be fufilled in exactly the way I want them. I'm learning what giving up my "rights" is. i'm such a small, tiny piece of a puzzle that shows a picture of the vast glory of God. Whatever way He wants to use me, thats what i want. Whether things go my way or not, God is loving and caring and will redeem any situation. if I follow what He is saying, thats the best place for me to be.
So much more is happening in my heart but its definitely not finished enough to talk about it. I love the fact that I'm being used and still poured into on this outreach. I cant ever be thankful enough for the mercy and grace of King Jesus!
Posted by Oh Julie. at 11:07 AM 0 comments
Saturday, July 10, 2010
I wanted to write a short update =]
The day for the women went amazing. About 25 women came in and we got to talk to them, give them cosmetology treatment, and just love on them. it's insane how young full blown prostitution starts here. But my passion is just growing more and more.
Today i cut the gypsy childrens hair, which was kind of insane. I got water thrown on me by some of the adults in the complex. i dont think they were happy i was there. but the kids loved it, especially the boys. My clippers almost were ruined but I think its okay.
Anyways, thank you so much for praying!
Posted by Oh Julie. at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the delay in writing =].
I'm now in cheb, which is the biggest prostitution city(i think) in Czech. It's the gateway from germany to czech, so many men come from germany to the prostitutes. The city is run by the vietmaneze mafia-so there are lots of short asians everywhere. There are masses of poor gyspy children roaming the streets as well. However, I adore this city. It's so evident that God loves this place although there is so many awful things happening. There is such a sense of peace here.
Yesterday we went and drew on the park sidewalk. We did it kind of as a prophetic act. We wrote in Czech and English just the redemptive purposes for this city. A man walked by and our translater and I talked to him. He said that he was clinically dead after an accident he got into, and he didnt believe in God but wasnt sure why he was alive. But when he walked by these writings, he felt strength from somewhere and couldnt seem to leave the place or stop looking at the scriptures. It was so amazing that it affected people like that! Even the city sweepers who were supposed to clean that area didnt because they wanted the writings to stay there. Talk about the favor of the Lord!
It was amazing though because I went to talk to a girl nearby. She was incredibly open and I began to talk to her about my life. We got stuck on the subject of forgiveness and I got to talk to her about forgiving the people who have hurt me in this life. She just cried and cried with me and hugged me. This is quite unsual for czechs to be so affectionate, so you could tell in truely meant something to here. I got such an amazing revelation that God uses us so greatly and our testimonies are amazing stories of His grace in our lives. Thank you Jesus for such divine appointments!
We've been going out on the streets every night. This prostitution is breaking my heart even more and more. These girls are lined up on the corners. A truck will come by, and one will hop in it and drive off. A little while later, they will get dropped off again and start over. It's EVERYWHERE. There is no hiding what's happening here. Although its not legal, the police do nothing about it. It's a known fact and absolutely rampant in this city. Last night we had an amazing prayer time for them and I feel that God is pouring even more passion into me. My prayers aren't wishful thinking or timid anymore. I pray with strength, power, and authority that the Lord has given me to pray until this issue is changed!
Tomorrow we are holding a time where I cut hair for these women we have met. We aren't sure how many will be coming, but I'm THRILLED. Some women and my guy friend Joe will be staying back to pray with the women while I'm cutting others hair. Please pray that it will be fruitful.
We've also been going to a local gyspie community and playing with the kids. It's the runnest down of the run down living conditions. However, the gyspies are the most beautiful people I have ever seen. It's honestly quite ridiculous. It's hard to talk and do much of a program because lack of translaters but we are still loving. On saturday I will be cutting hair ALL day for these kids. Pray for my hands that they can withstand that much. It will most likely be about 40+. I really want to bless these kids more then anything, so I know God's strength is made perfect in weakness.
We will leave to romania on monday. 36 hour train ride, baby.
Posted by Oh Julie. at 8:02 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 2, 2010
I'm safe and sound here! Its taken me a few days to update, I've really had no time to be on this thing.
This city is the definition of gorgeous. The buildings, cobble stone streets, ahh it's very romantic. It's not loud like traffic loud really. We're staying in a hostile here which is quite interesting. I never know who is in our little room. There are two bathrooms for about 32 of us. So far nothing too too awkward has happened. But who knows.
Ministry has been slow but good. We go out on the streets at night. The girls here wear less then Thailand, which I guess I thought wasn't possible. Black men from Nigeria are the ones who invite people to the clubs and they stand outside of them. They are the easiest people to reach. They are very receptive because they are "Christian". It is impressive how much they know about the Bible and God. One man, however, I got to really pray with. His wife worked in the club and he looked very sad. He hates his job and wants to leave but cant. I got to pray for him and it went well. Most of these men hate their jobs.
Last night I got into another conversation with a different black guy. It was cool, because I asked God to send people to us. Then this man literally walked up to me and said, "Well.. What are you looking for?" We got into a pretty serious conversation and hopefully he is coming to church with us tomorrow.
We also did some childrens ministry in a poor area yesterday. These children are beyond beautiful. It's very sad though because you can tell how unhealthy they are and how much neglect they deal with everyday. I love loving on these kids.
Today is another free day and I'm going out to take pictures. I'm pretty excited.
There are tons of little coffee shops which are lovely. I found out I cant drink european coffee at night because it keeps me up, if our hostile people arent. They tend to come in at three am very very VERY drunk. Jesus is testing our love for our neighbors, man.
We leave for a new city on monday where we will do much more prostitution ministry. Many bachlor parties come to czech for cheap sex. There will be masses of groups of guys like that and it's very bothersome. Pray for wisdom and grace for that and continued wisdom and grace for me dealing with the team.
Posted by Oh Julie. at 11:16 PM 0 comments